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Conference panels: Conference panels are roundtable discussions with the experts from various fields connected to music. Professionals from within and outside the region will guide us through some of the hot topics of the Balkan music industry. (90, 60mins)

Kafana sessions: Kafana sessions will complement two of the major conference panel topics. Discussions can thus follow in a more informal format in the café of the conference venue, where the audience gets to speak their minds. (60 mins)

Workshops: Preliminary registration is required to participate. Workshops are loosely related to the 4 pillars of the MOST project – a highlighted topic for each of our target groups, artists, festivals, music managers and music projects. Workshops invite participants to actively contribute to the discussion or group work, guided by a pair of hosts. (60 mins)

Speed meetings:Preliminary registration is required to participate. Speed meetings are a must-have at all industry events. Timed meetings will take place 3 times. Two sessions are invite only, where MOST-supported showcasers meet selected delegates, and one is for registered guests – sign up for the PRO speed meeting, if you want to meet the greatest festivals of the Balkans. (90 mins)

Pitching session: Preliminary registration is required to participate as a pitching presenter. Pitching sessions offer a series of mini-presentations of 5 mins on the upcoming projects related to or based in the Balkans. An opportunity for newcomers to present their ideas, projects and art. (60 mins) This session is open for applications!

Listening & Video sessions: Listening and Video sessions will give you a peek into the audiovisual works of the MOST-supported musicians. Experts of record labels, radio presenters, music journalists and filmmakers will discuss and give feedback on the presented tracks and video clips – open for all delegates. (60 mins)

The organizers reserve the right to make changes to the event programme. If necessary, changes may be made to its content, method and organization before or during the event.